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In his funeral oration for St. Basil, St. Gregory of Nazianzus calls him a “standard of virtue,” a “noble champion of the truth,” and a “second Joseph” for feeding the hungry in a time of famine. The centuries-long dissemination and study of Basil’s works has only confirmed Gregory’s appraisal of Basil’s great personal holiness, his profound insight into the eloquent defense of the Christian...

body is received in burial, but the Spirit infuses life-giving power, renewing our souls from the death of sin to their original life. This, then, is what it means to be begotten again from water and the Spirit: as death is accomplished in the water, our life is worked through the Spirit. In three immersions and in the same number of invocations, the great mystery of baptism is accomplished, in order that the type of death may be fully formed and the baptized be enlightened in their souls by the
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